Friday, May 24, 2013

Our Cape Verdean Legacy: 1935-2013

Save the Date: July 1st

Two Events for Cape Verdean Recognition Week

5:00-7:00 Cape Verde Book Fair: Books about Cape Verde and Cape Verdean culture and history will be on sale in a book fair conducted by the National Library of Cape Verde. In past years, there have been children's books, cook books, fiction and nonfiction, and various books about the culture, history, music and literature of Cape Verde

7:00-8:00 Our Cape Verdean Legacy: 1935-2013: Anna Lima Delgado, the Internet's "Creola Genealogist" blogger will present and interpret the "Cape Verde Poor Relief Stereopticon Show", a slide show of images of the Cape Verde Islands from 1935. Ms. Lima Delgado will draw upon her extensive knowledge of Cape Verdean history, genealogy and culture to bring life to a famine relief slide show that was created in 1935 by New Bedford visitors to the Islands. The show will include seldom seen slides from the collection of the Library featuring daily life in Cape Verde in 1935 and notables Eugenio Tavares, Baltasar Lopes da Silva and Pedro Cardoso. 

New Bedford Public Library, 613 Pleasant St., 3rd Fl 

All events are presented by the New Bedford Public Library, the Cape Verdean Recognition Committee and the New Bedford Historical Society and admission is free to the public.

Back to the Roots Travel Show

Copyright and Disclaimer

Since beginning this journey of discovery for my personal family history I have always felt it was important to share as much information with not only my family but to anyone of Cape Verdean descent and non- Cape Verdeans, alike. I feel that our history is so intertwined with the general history of so many people's that we can all learn from what happened on this tiny arquipelago off the coast of Senegal.

That being said, I have spent a lot of my own time, money and resources researching and combing through thousands of documents and additional hours putting all the pieces together. I really feel it is only right that I ask for a bit of recognition when someone decides to use any work that I have researched and produced material for. I have no issues at all with my research being included in anyone's work provided that they at least seek appropriate permissions - and at least a phone call - I'd even settle for an email.

So...© Anna M. Lima Delgado and The Creola Genealogist, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Anna M. Delgado and The Creola Genealogist with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
The views expressed on this blog belong solely to me, Anna M. Delgado, The Creola Genealogist, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of my spouse, parents, step-parents, grandparents, step-grand-parents, great-grandparents or any of their ancesters directly or indirectly by birth or by marriage, dead or alive, siblings, half-siblings, step-siblings - known or otherwise, cousins - first, second, third, fourth, etc by birth or by marriage and in any combination or their direct and indirect descendants and ancestors, my children, step children, future children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and any of their descendants by birth or by marriage, legal or common-law, my in-laws and their ancestors and descendants, direct and indirect, by birth or by marriage, dead or alive, or of Cape Verdeans, in general.
Except when directly expressed, images contained in the blog belong to the owner and this blog and may not be reproduced without the expressed written permission of the owner, Anna M. Delgado, The Creola Genealogist, especially since they came straight from my own photo albums or those of my personal family members.  The contents of this blog are not meant to malign any religion, club, organization, company, or individual, or anyone or thing, any ethnic group, especially those among the pluthera of groups who, at one time or another, contributed to what is now known as "Cabo Verdeanidade" and making me who I am today :) 
For anyone who has already used any portion of this blog or research, I am humbled that you have thought my work worthy enough to include in your endeavors but it would still be nice to get my permissions and, in the very least, say "Hi".